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By Michael Ramirez, October 8, 2023
I often tell audiences in my speeches that one thing that makes our country truly extraordinary is that we take the best part of all cultures and assimilate it into what can only be described as America. Generations of people worldwide came to America to escape tyranny and find liberty.
In America, anyone can succeed if you work hard enough… that is, unless you use the term melting pot, then you are canceled.
Apparently, the term “melting pot” is now a no-no in this climate of woke sensitivity and activism. How dare you characterize people as “American.” In the eyes of progressives, we are now individual cultural identities who happen to cohabitate within the imaginary borders of the United States.
Borders are artificial boundaries to be ignored for any emotional or economic justification.
I was watching a program on CNN that documented the harrowing trail that immigrants take to get to the United States. It captured your heart and your sympathy watching these families on this long arduous journey, faced with dangerous roads and jungles, riding on top of trains and confronted by evil cartel members. Except, they left out one big part… It is illegal.
It is important that we differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants.
I support immigration.
My father was the son of an immigrant. My grandfather came from Aguas Caliente, Mexico. My grandmother was from Grenada, Spain. Both immigrated from Mexico. My mother immigrated from Japan… But they were all LEGAL immigrants.
As a free market capitalist, I support a competent and responsible immigration system that allows seasonal, temporary, and full-time workers to fill employers’ needs in the U.S. marketplace. I don’t understand how Canada can have a functioning guest worker program, but we cannot.
Our population growth is declining. It grew 0.38% between July 2021 and July 2022. We need immigration to sustain a working-age labor force. But our immigration system should be selective. Rather than being familial-based, it should focus on getting the best candidates for citizenry.
America has the highest number of immigrants in the world. It is true our immigration rate is lower than some countries as a percentage of our population, but it is also true that it is larger than many other countries.
The United States had the highest permanent legal immigration inflows, with 1.03 million, according to statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Germany is next closest with 610,0000, followed by Spain and Canada with 350,000 each. The United States has granted about a million green cards a year since 2007.
DHS Secretary Mayorkas claims the border is secure, yet there were 1.4 million “gotaways,” or illegal immigrants who entered the country and were not caught, between Biden’s inauguration and April 2023 alone.
White House Press Secretary recently said President Biden has done more to secure the border than anybody else. Since Biden took over, there have been about 3.8 million illegal entries at our borders.
The Biden immigration plan has failed.
The recent announcement that they would allow 20 miles of border wall is merely a diversion to hide the hundreds that continue to cross the border every day.
Border security is national security. There are many bad actors in the world who wish to do us harm. For that alone, we should know everyone and everything that comes and goes at the border.
Secure Borders are important.
9/11 revealed that. Hamas’ infiltration through the borders of southern Israel show us what is at stake. The same people who killed those innocent men, women, and children have also targeted Americans in the past, and they will continue to target us in the future.
The Constitution recognizes that our basic rights of life, liberty and property are endowed by our creator. It is the government’s responsibility to protect these rights.
The Biden administration is failing.
Twenty miles of a border wall does not a secure border make. Allowing illegal entry without consequence only encourages more illegal immigration. It is unfair that people who play by the rules spend years gaining citizenship while others flout the law and are allowed in. The chaos at the border will continue.
As soon as you start deporting people who violate the law, you will see the illegal immigration problem recede. You can start with Secretary Mayorkas. You’ll have the opportunity to remove President Biden in November 2024.
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